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Colleges + Social Media

 Preface     So a little side note, since starting my  library career I always knew I wanted to be in a higher education library setting. I love assisting patrons with their academic, professional, and personal pursuits especially via information and/or material retrieving. I think it is incredibly rewarding and it is a small step or puzzle you helped a patron and their larger picture with.     That being said, at the start of this summer semester I had been a programming librarian for a public library for about 1.5 years. I am incredibly excited and proud to announce that I have recently accepted a job at the local state university as a librarian/assistant professor. My first day is July 1st and I cannot wait for that Monday to start a new chapter of my librarian career.  Image Source : Social Media + College Admissions     Before reading the following links and articles, I want to say that I am both understanding and disapproving of social media being used against someone.

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