Personality Tests + PLN

Personality Tests

    Personality tests can saw a lot about your character be it personal or even professional. They do not always have to be used to confirm whether you're a good friend, if you match your zodiac's traits, or help decide what kind of pet you should get. Personality tests can provide insight on your professional growth, strengths, and weakness. 

    The three personality tests I chose to explore where: FiveThirtyEightPersonality Type Indicator, and 16 Personalities. I chose the first two because I had never heard of them and enjoyed the format they were in. 16 Personalities I chose because I had done this personality test in particular back in 2020 and was curious to see if my results would be the same or has my personality type changed since then?

Image Source: Giphy

The Results

Image Source: Author's Slideshow

FiveThirtyEight - My results from here made me laugh a little with their accuracy. What made me laughed particularly was my near perfect score for "openness to experience," My openness to try new things helps me not only in my personal life but also in my professional life. Professionally I think it shows that I actively listen to new ideas and feedback, do my best to connect with others and their perspectives. I would also say that I agree with my "agreeableness" and "negative emotionality" score from the personality test. One statement that stood out to me on the Agreeableness slide, "you're no goody-goody, but you're also not what the professionals might refer to as a 'selfish jerk.'" I think it's important to stand for your decisions and beliefs both personally and professionally. It is also important to learn when those decisions and beliefs are wrong in order to grow. 

Image Source: Author's Infographic

Personality Type Indicator - This result threw me for a loop but after analyzing the results I understand why I had gotten them. What had initially confused me was the indicator type being ISFJ because my 16 Personalities results were INTJ, almost the complete opposite. Upon further inspection of my results, I noticed that the percentages for ISFJ were very small. I do agree with some of the descriptions and most of the percentages mainly because the line was so thin. What stood out to me was how the results stated I am very practical, observant, and very responsible. Whilst I do enjoy creativity and partaking in creative activities- I still very much prefer things that are practical and result promising. There is no reason to fix something that isn't broken. Despite that and similar to my FiveThirtyEight results, I always take responsibility so I can learn from my mistakes and develop.

Image Source: Author's Slideshow

16 Personalities - This is one of my personal favorite personality tests. I had taken this before back in 2020 with a friend. I was curious to see if I would yield the same results and funnily enough, I am still an architect/INTJ type. I feel that this personality test is the most accurate because I agree with the results entirely. I am a highly organized, thorough, and prefer structure. In contrast, I am still openminded, imaginative, and curious like the results state. Yet again though, I focus on rationality and effectiveness. 

Reflection Going Forward

Image Source: Giphy

    Despite all of my incredible organization, rationality, open-mindedness, and creativity- there are still some areas that can be improved. I would say I could improve my empathy skills. I have only ever done customer service and public facing jobs so in theory I should have developed some great empathy skills but find that I still struggle to do so. To overcome this, this is my action plan:

  1. By the next programming quarterly in August, take a look at any empathy trainings or classes that are available to me through the State Library of LouisianaNiche Academy, as well as LinkedIn Learning.
  2. Select the appropriate courses I would like to take, my goal is to take 3 courses or trainings by December 1st.
  3. Take the selected courses anytime from August to December 1st.
  4. Review performance and completed trainings in December with supervisor to review results and develop new goals if applicable. 
  5. Practice, practice, practice, what is learned- professionally and personally. 


  1. Thanks for including the short videos of your results!


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