Digital Space


Image Source: Digital Map, Personal Image

Mapping My Digital Space

    When creating my digital space map I focused on apps that I normally use daily or sporadically in a normal week for myself. It was incredibly easy to think of apps and social media platforms I frequent throughout the day, but I had struggled with coming up with my professional apps. For my professional applications I use (from left to right): Reddit, Google SuiteLinkedInMS TeamsCanva, and Communico. For personal go-to online applications, it was easy to define which ones I use the most but I was a little surprised to it was the same number of apps as the professional side has. I realized now that I could have added games but I feel that wouldn't really significantly impact my digital map, especially since I only play two (Pokemon Go and Idle Vampire: Twilight School.)

My Professional Digital Space

    Whilst I did create my map using apps and social media platforms I use the most, I realized a surprising theme with my professional ones. My professional-visitor apps I use when I am not working and my professional-resident apps I use when I am working but only then. I do not touch them when I am off the clock with the exception of Canva. I use my professional-visitor in relation to my job specifically when I am off the clock which I thought was a little funny to see as well. I was expecting to see more apps on this side of the map but I solely rely on Canva for creating flyers, handouts, physical and digital signage whilst at work. Communico I use to display my digital signage, take in information for programs to create said flyers and signage, and make information available to the public. MS Teams is used to communicate with colleagues and attend any trainings or webinars. This three apps are used the entire time I'm at work for 8 hours. My other apps I use every once in a while, maybe a few times a week. 

My Personal Digital Space

    I honestly thought I would have way more apps and social media platforms on this side of my map, but alas it has the same amount as my professional side. I wish I had more resident apps than visitor apps. As of late I have been very busy with work, school, and personal things that do not allow me to enjoy my personal apps as much as I normally do. Still funnily enough, my all-time app is still Canva. As mentioned, this is the app I use for work and out of it. For personal use, I create. fun social media posts or prints for photos such as creating my own Lady Whistledown's Society Papers. I also use it for resume work which could still be professional but I see it as more personal. I am forever a resident on Canva. Here is an example of my personal work, my own Lady Whistledown's Society Papers and a social media post for advertising a brand on my dogs' Instagram:

Image Source: Personal Images


  1. What a fun Instagram! You are a fabulous photographer. You mentioned you wish you had more resident apps than visitor apps but maybe that will change over time. I find I might be a visitor on an app like LinkedIn one week and then the next I might really engage and be more of a resident. I move across the continuum depending on my motivation for using the app. It would be an interesting practice to redo your digital map periodically to see if/how it changes.


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